"I feel more at peace than I ever have"
Your anxiety, patterns, and block are not who YOU are.
'Effortless' love is on the other side of a skill level and open heart that you don't yet have.
No, you’re not a People Pleaser
Build Your Capacity, Not Your Rule Book When It Comes to Loving And Being Loved
Fluidity as Philosophy...The Ethos of Indelicate
Sometimes That Confused Feeling Is You Confronting a Growing Edge
The Common Understanding of Settling is a Hot Mess
Independent, Reserved, and Aloof People Need Deeper Connection, Not Less
"If it's Not a Full-Body 'Fuck Yes'....Maybe You're Scared."
In Time of Intensity Call Your Energy Back to Yourself....
In Defense of Non-Linear Relationships
Why Men Shut Down.
What is Intimacy Anyway?
Experiential Somatic Intimacy Coaching is different from traditional therapy in three key ways
Everybody's A Little Kinky (So why does it feel like a dirty secret?)
Can I Heal my Fear of Confrontation?
Everything About You Makes Perfect Sense, My Darling
Healing the Subconscious
I'm Difficult, a Lone Wolf, Avoidant, Protective, Perfectionist...