Why I Don't Believe in Foreplay
Reason #1 Your Sex, Relationships, Pleasure Aren't Working?
Am I Difficult Or Am I Courageous Enough to State My Needs?
Your Pleasure Education is Just Beginning and You are Your Most Important Teacher
Having Boundaries has nothing to do with being rigid
In What Adorably Creative Way Will you Beat Yourself Up Today?
Neither Polyamory nor Monogamy are a guarantee of anything
When someone tells you that they're triggered, that's a vulnerable invitation to love them more
Your personal growth will not always align with where you're at in your relationships
If you have to be passive aggressive to say it...
Be Direct About Your Desires So People Can Meet You Where You're At
Anxiety happens....
People lie, hide things, and panic to save relationships.
People of all genders experience relationship anxiety
Going with the flow is not the favor you think it is.
You cannot accurately calibrate intimacy when you're overthinking
Your needs and desires are not a problem: But How You Show Up Matters
Men Deserve Tenderness, Consent, and Boundaries Too
Becoming a Magnetic Man
He Wouldn't Let Me Help